Hey everyone!!!
Holy cow this week was EXHAUSTING. I've never been more
tired in my life. It's like I never go to sleep. I get so tired
during the day now that I can't think straight and I feel terrible for my
companions because I'm the only one that knows the area so I need to
be able to think! It will all be okay though. Yesterday at church
one of the speakers told a story about how someone asked President
Hinckley, when we was newly called to being the prophet, "How do you
keep up with it all?" To which he said, "I don't! I travel
through so many time zones that I'm asleep when I'm suppose to be awake and I'm
awake when I suppose to be asleep! But I'll tell you a secret, I just
keep going." That was the spiritual kick in the butt I needed. Towards
the end of a race right before the kick is when you feel the most
exhausted and you don't think there's anything left to kick with, but there
always is if you dig deep enough.
We had a great first week in our companionship though. I
love Sister Zee and Sister Milligan so much. Our first night together
was an absolute miracle! We decided to drive out to Copperton to
contact a couple referrals we had, but as we were driving past this
apartment complex a name came to my mind of someone we needed to
talk to in there. So I pulled in, and on our way up we ran into a
woman who was trying to get this massive heavy couch up the stairs with
just our Elder's Quorum President! We quickly offered our help and
after about an hour or applying the Uchdorf method (Lift where you
stand) we were able to get that huge couch up 3 flights of stairs and
through a very narrow door frame. The miracles in all this though was
that the woman with the couch, Sister Price, had actually been calling
and texting everyone she could think of to come help lift this couch
and we just
happened to walking by!!! I'm so happy I listened to that
first prompting from the Spirit to pull into those apartments
even though I though it was for a completely different reason.
Another Bonus to all of that: a week ago we had tried
contacting one of her neighbors who had expressed interest to another
member of the ward about learning more but when we went by he said that
he was just messing with them, told us he didn't trust people who
don't drink alcohol, and told me I was on drugs because I have large
pupils and needed to get my eyes checked. 😂
But he came out and saw us helping Sister Price and he came over to help! I even gave him a
high five afterwards and he accepted it although you could tell he
felt awkward. Haha, I thought it was really funny, I can't imagine what
he was thinking but I hope his heart was softened. At least now
he knows Mormons are also very helpful!
We also had our first lesson with Jason this week and it
was AMAZING!!!! We taught him the message of the Restoration,
which is so powerful because it's the story of how truth was restored
to the earth. I am so grateful for this event because without it
we wouldn't have the church today and we wouldn't have the Book of
Mormon or a living prophet or the priesthood or any of the other
gifts Heavenly Father has given us to lead us and guide us back to Him.
This is one of the most important events in all of history. Jason was
in tears and told us how he knew for himself that this was the truth,
having been on both sides of the fence and analyzing both sides, this
is what he has chosen to believe for truth. That made me so happy to
hear him say that. He told us that February 27 was the first time he
had prayed in years with the desire to really know. He had been
satisfied with not knowing and being complacent for years. But on that day
he knelt down and prayed to know if the Book of Mormon was true and if
Joseph Smith saw what he said he saw.... He told us he received a very
powerful witness for himself and he knows now, independent of
everyone else, that this is true. I know for myself as well, independent
of all other testimonies, that Joseph Smith really did see God the
Father and His Son Jesus Christ, and they called him to be a prophet, to
translate the Book of Mormon, and to restore the Lord's church here
on the earth. I have prayed to know and received my own witness
from the Holy Ghost, the testifier of all truth, that these events
really did take place. I know this with all my heart and I'm so grateful
for the opportunity to share this gospel, this good news with
others who are searching for the truth.
I hope you all have a fabulous week!! I got an email this
week with the subject title "final countdown" hahaha I
know it's coming fast, I have 5 more beautiful weeks left in the full time service
of the Lord!! I'm trying not to think about it, while also trying
to think about it so I can prepare... its weird. But great! I know
God loves me and will help me figure things out. And He will do the
same for you!!! I hope you all have a great week and remember to turn to
the Lord for help and answers! He is always will to give answers to
those who ask in faith!
Sister Abby Martinez
P.S. I slacked on taking pictures this week. Our
district participated in I ❤️ West Jordan day!! We helped
plant trees at a park! That story would take another email to tell
though... bottom line, it takes at least 4 missionaries to plant a tree.
Also, sister Zee corn rowed my hair!
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