Monday, April 24, 2017

🎶 🔥 + Final Transfer

Hey everyone!!!

So many miracles happened this week!!! I'll do my best not to turn this into an essay.

First we, had a pass off lesson with Troy and our senior couple, the Winns. They are phenomenal. Senior couple missionaries are the best. We decided that the Winns would be a better fit for Troy, so we had our lesson in their home. It was absolutely AMAZING!! Troy has a goal of becoming worthy to hold the Melchizedek priesthood, and so we talked about his goals and the things he need to do to get there. He is going through a lot of challenges right now in every aspect of his life. In our lesson Troy was talking about all the things he has been doing to show his faith, like reading the scriptures and paying Tithing, and as he was talking you could literally see the Spirit working with him and putting thoughts and impressions in his head about what he needs to do and giving him personal revelation! It was like watching a light bulb turn on or a child figuring something out for the fist time! It was beautiful!!!

Also, last night we had another musical fireside!!! It was my last one, so it was really special. The Elder's who put it on did such a good job. I sang with Sister Harvey again. I'm really going to miss singing with her and being in these firesides. They grow my testimony so much every time. The Divine Heritage choir is amazing. No doubt the Spirit of God was there and angels were present. But he best part was afterwards! My companion and I invited a man named Jason that use to belong to the church but asked for his name to be removed from the records. Well, Jason came!! And he brought his son and his daughter!! And after the fireside he pulled us aside and asked us if we could start teaching him the lessons because he wants to get re-baptized! As he was telling us all of this, tears welled up in his eyes as he looked around the chapel, he was feeling the Spirit, and he knew this is where he needs to be and what he needs to do. He told us about how he knows now how he was wrong to leave the church and we could see that he has such a strong desire to come back! It's amazing... Truth is truth and there is no side stepping that. Once you have found it, you can't really sit on the fence anymore.


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I'M STAYING!!!! Woohoo!!!! I'm so happy President is letting me "die" in this area. There is so much potential here and things are starting to happen, people are coming out of the wood works, it's awesome! I'm so excited to give this area every ounce of energy I have left for my last 6 weeks. AND!! I get two new AMAZING companions!! They are both missionaries I have served around before and absolutely love, so it's going to be an amazing last transfer. Sister Zeegelar is from Surinam, it's a country in South America right above Brazil that was a colony of the Netherlands, so she speaks Dutch. And Sister Milligan is from Oklahoma, she's so cute and she loves doing complex linear algebra problems for fun. We are going to have so much fun I'm super excited!!

The feelings of being in my last transfer are really weird. It's just weird knowing where I'm going to spend the rest of my mission. I'm super excited and I couldn't be happier to be staying, but at the same time it's weird. I'm not ready to leave yet. Hopefully by June I'll be ready though. But right now I just want time to stop. I find a lot of comfort in the fact that I'm coming back here for school. So I'll get to see these people again. But yeah! I'm super excited for this transfer and I can't wait for all the new adventures!

I hope you all are doing well and have an amazing week! I love you!!

Sister Abby Martinez

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