Wednesday, March 22, 2017

🏰 Salt 🏰 Lake 🏰 Temple 🏰

We went to the
Salt Lake temple today!!! It was amazing. It is literally God's castle on earth. Every little handmade detail is perfect. As soon as you walk in, you know you are in a safe place, full of truth, and most of all PEACE. There are few places that true peace can be found, one of them is in any Mormon temple.

We had a pretty good week in terms of the work goes! We had some good visits and a really great lesson with Rachel! It was a beautiful day so we decided to go to the park for our lesson, it was a little windy but sunny! ️ We taught about the law of chastity, and it went super great! We read a talk given at General Conference by Elaine S. Dalton called "Remember Who You Are!" Such a great talk! It talks all about how we as women are standing for virtue when we choose not to listen to what the world says about us, but what God says about us. She talks about how true beauty, the kind that lasts, comes from developing the attributes of Jesus Christ, and when we do that we have his image in
our countenances and it shines out of us. She also tells the story of a prince who was kidnapped and subjected to every vile thing imaginable because his captors New that if they could destroy him morally he would not become the king. But he never gave into temptation and when they asked him why he had such great moral strength he said simply "I cannot do what you ask, for I was born to be a king." I love that! He knew who he was and what his identity was even though his captors didn't treat him as such. I know that Rachel felt the Spirit tell her that she is a precious daughter of God. It's been amazing to see her confidence and self esteem increase as she comes back to church! The Spirit shines out of her countenance now more than it did when I met her 3 months ago. She makes choices every day that bring her closer to God, like reading her scriptures when she's on break at work  and reading the children's version of the Book of Mormon to her daughter at night, she is becoming more and more beautiful not only spiritually, but physically as well, and she's so much happier!

Also, one of our ward mission leaders gave a great analogy on Sunday in our Gospel Principles class! He is a runner (🏃🏻😄👍🏻) and he just signed up to run a 100 mile race in October, and as part of it he was required to volunteer to help in another 100 mile race as a volunteer at an aid station. He was positioned at mile 64, so when runners came in they asked them "what do you need??" And the runners say "I need this, this, this and this!" And they get them the hydration or calories or electrolytes they need so they can keep going.

For us, there are people and places in our lives who act as aid stations. Places we go or people we talk to when we need to refuel and recharge. We also have the opportunity to be aid stations for other people. We can help in the missionary effort by exemplifying Christ, being genuinely here to serve people like our neighbors and our coworkers.

I'm so grateful for this gospel because I don't know where I would be without it. My relationship with my Savior is the most valuable thing I have and I'm so grateful that I've been able to focus on developing it for the past 16 months! I know it will support me and help sustain me for the rest of my life, and I'm grateful for all the people that God has placed in my life as "aid stations" to help me reach this point. I couldn't be happier with what I'm doing and where I'm at right now. I know that Jesus Christ lives and he sees the potential and the true identity of each and every one of us, and he is more than willing to help us reach it!

I love you all so much and I hope you have an amazing week!!

Sister Abby Martinez

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